What A Year: 2024 Birth Statistics

As we look back on 2024, the Ohio Birth Center is excited to share the year’s birth outcomes. This review offers a closer look at the successes, challenges, and unique experiences that shaped the care provided to families throughout the year. From the dedicated support of our midwifery team to the positive birth outcomes achieved, this year in review celebrates the milestones and growth that have defined our center’s commitment to providing safe and compassionate care for mothers and babies. Our inaugural year in Columbus has made 2024 a special year at the Ohio Birth Center.

Birth Center opened its doors in 2024, with our dedicated midwives and support staff excited to offer birthing options in our area. The community has been asking for a freestanding birth center for years, and we are still eager to provide it. However, our region has some unique challenges, and we are still working to overcome the barriers that many of our clients face when navigating care.

Although we have not yet been granted full use of our building, we decided to begin offering care. We have strong support from government officials, community members, and some local hospital administrators. However, we are still working to secure one key requirement: an official transfer agreement with a local hospital.

While statistically, 12% of laboring birth center clients require transfers, only about 2% experience true medical emergencies. Because such emergencies are rare, our midwives are trained in advanced safety protocols, enabling them to provide initial care and support in the event a transfer becomes necessary. Safety remains our top priority.

So, while we knew we could not yet function as a fully operational freestanding birth center, we decided to start our care as a part of the community birth providers while we continue to pursue a transfer agreement.

In June of 2024, our first client gave birth at home!

It is not our goal to be a homebirth practice. However, we will also work to become a fully licensed freestanding birth center.  

So please peruse our small set of birth statistics for last year. It may be a small set, but each and every birth was an honor to be a part of and represents an even larger number of people who are interested in birth center care (see the last image below.) We look forward to providing more quality care to Columbus this year!

Method of Birth

The vaginal birth rate for our practice is 92.3%. This rate is calculated based on the number of eligible laboring individuals, regardless of whether the birth takes place with our midwives or in a hospital.

The World Health Organization has set a standard cesarean birth rate of 10% for industrialized countries, with this figure considered an accepted goal for practices.

Current data reports the cesarean rate in the United States at 32.3%. Ohio Birth Center’s cesarean birth rate is 7.7%.

Weeks Pregnant

Our midwives are able to assist with births when labor starts spontaneously between 37 and 42 weeks gestation. For most first-time parents, labor typically begins around 40 weeks and 5 days. However, our clients bucked the trend, with the majority giving birth during the 39th week!

Here’s a breakdown of our births by week:

  • 37th week: 0 births

  • 38th week: 3 births

  • 39th week: 5 births

  • 40th week: 4 births

  • 41st week: 1 birth

Juicy Babies!

We love all the ways babies can come into the world, and healthy babies come in all sizes.

Our smallest baby was 6 lb 12 oz, and our biggest baby was 10lbs 2 oz!


One of the most common questions we receive is whether our birth center offers waterbirth. YES! All of our birth suites are equipped with large birthing tubs, which can be used for comfort during labor or to help welcome your baby into the world.

Since we are currently providing care in our clients' homes, waterbirth requires a bit more planning, but it is still an option! In 2024, 4 of our clients gave birth in the water.

Birth Doulas

We love doulas and deeply appreciate their skill and expertise as integral members of our care teams. Doulas are non-medical support professionals that families can choose to hire for additional support during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. Each doula brings their own unique strengths, but generally, they provide information, physical support, and consistent care and insight into options that align with your family’s goals. In 2024, we had the pleasure of working with 3 doulas and look forward to collaborating with many more in 2025!

Hospital Partners

Midwives are experts in normal, low-risk births, which is why birth center outcomes are often positive. While out-of-hospital births are generally safe, there are times when a transfer to a hospital becomes necessary for the safety of the mother or baby. These transfers are classified as urgent or non-urgent, based on criteria from our accrediting body, CABC.

In 2024, Ohio Birth Center had zero urgent transfers for parents or newborns. With clear guidelines, the clinical judgment of our experienced midwives, and input from families, transfers are made with care and compassion. We strive to ensure a smooth transition when a change in birth location is needed. In 2024, one client transferred non-urgently to a hospital for epidural pain relief.

Tours and Classes

Knowledge is a cornerstone part of midwifery care. We love to help people know their options, and that includes learning about us and birth!

We had hundreds of people through our doors to see and explore, but we are especially thankful to the 141 people who choose to take the required tour necessary for all our clients to come into care.

Community Support

It was deeply discouraging to come so close to fully opening, only to be told time and again that our center couldn’t be fully licensed. The demand for alternative birthing options has been much higher than we anticipated.

We remain committed to becoming a fully licensed, freestanding birth center. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, sought care, or helped amplify our concerns to those who need to hear them.

If you would like sign our petition, it is here!